Mohammad Hossein shafiei icon picture


As an AI engineer with a fervor for medical science, I am deeply fascinated by the realms of Deep Learning and Image Processing. With a track record of delivering impactful results, as an ex software engineer, I have successfully developed a diverse range of software applications, spanning from captivating mobile games to dynamic e-commerce websites. Proficient in Python, Javascript and PHP. I am driven by the pursuit of leveraging technology to revolutionize the world of artificial intelligence and its applications in healthcare.

Zoodex,  Kerman — AI Engineer

May 2023 – PRESENT 

Zoodex is a food delivery company.
Responsible for Designing, Developing and Maintaining AI models.


Yekta Ertebat, Kerman — AI Engineer

Nov 2022 – May 2023 – 7mos

Responsible for Extracting users behavior with ML algorithms and Data analysis.


Yekta Ertebat, Kerman Software Engineer

Nov 2019 – Nov 2022 – 3yrs

Responsible for Designing Software architecture,  Developing software and Leading development teams.


Self Employed, Kerman Full Stack Developer

Sep 2016 – Nov 2019 – 3yrs 2mos

Used NodeJs and ExpressJs For Back-End and Developing Mobile Apps Using Java for Android.

R&D Projects went on production

Transaction Validator Zoodex

May 2023 – PRESENT

ROLE: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

An AI system able to read multi language receipts using deep learning and image processing techniques.


Fault Detection System Zoodex

June 2023 – June 2023  3 weeks

ROLE: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

Machine Learning  based on unsupervised clustering algorithms such as the K-means algorithm able to detect and determine the source of error.

Kasbify’s Marketing Assistant Yekta Ertebat

Nov 2022 – May 2023 – 7mos

ROLE: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

A system based on Artificial Intelligence able to produce a variety of personalized discount offers and increase retention rate.
The system uses unsupervised machine learning algorithm to cluster users by their behavior and each store by its product types.
After that by using a special ANN architecture, the AI is able to produce a specific code for each customers to reach the maximum retention rate and sales rate.

Professional Projects

Kasbify Yekta Ertebat

Nov 2019 – Nov 2022 – 3yrs

ROLE: Software Engineer

An integrated customer management system, customer club, accounting, online sales and offline store checkout.

Asia Darman Yekta Ertebat

Jan 2020 – Apr 2020 – 4mos

ROLE: Software Engineer

Asia Insurance is one of the biggest companies in Iran which provide affordable insurance services. The software designed to exactly meet the company’s offer management, calculation and accounting needs with different levels of permissions.